with $$$$$$$
in your Bank!

The EAPDP is a business training practicum, NOT a lecture. The EAPDP teaches you how to acquire homes and trade home equity eventually, as a private equity trader. This knowledge and education are of paramount importance to your ability to earn a market-based income—which is preferred to only earning wage-based salaries.

Semone Baker
"Let's face it. No one likes debt. Especially college students. Being your own boss and earning enough money to pay off student loans and any another debt could be wonderful. Entrepreneurship and being independent can really be beneficial in this economy. Now is the right time to really get out of debt, and start earning money...even while we sleep. I hope that you take this opportunity to grow your earning potential and start making your money work for you."

Fred King
"Dr Andrews’ EAPDP is an out-growth of Dr Andrews’ PDP, and this is an excerpt of an article done by the Miami Herald about Dr Andrews’ lifetime of work, developing children to be in control and to succeed at life.
Since March 4, 1995—fourteen fourth graders, all boys wake up early on Saturday and head out to the school, where they spend three hours. The children have been identified as at-risk students who have academic or social problems. Marion Dillard’s son Jeremy, 10, can’t wait to go to school on a weekend. “He gets up early even on the Saturdays we’re not supposed to be here,” she said.
“Self-esteem” and “responsibility” are the key values the children said they picked up from the program. “You’re in control and you’ve got to know yourself,” Samuel Patterson said. Dr Andrews, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, developed the program through her organization, Longevity Associates.
The same Dr Andrews will guide your college bound children through the EAPDP, to succeed at psycho-social wellness, with the ability to earn a market-based income, pay for their college tuition, and graduate from college debt free. "

Jeannette Magaro
"I refer a lot of parents, spouses, and individuals that I encounter that could use help in receiving a diagnosis and treatment in areas of Autism, ADHD, and other mental health concerns to Dr. Andrews. I have strong faith in doing so as I was very impressed by the fact she could not only make a diagnosis on a loved one that scooted "under the radar" for a very long time, but provide effective treatment allowing our family unit to remain together. Dr. Andrews is extremely perceptive! And now this, a training in entrepreneurial activities that allows students and their families to generate a market-based income that covers the cost of one’s education, expenses, homes and whatever that family needs or desires. This is topped off with a personal development program that trains in the tools of socially accountable and responsible leadership, and effective communication skills. Each of these components is sorely needed in this era where precious little interpersonal and interpersonal communications take place amongst individuals and where many students will bear college debt well into their old age!
We are super lucky to have such an untapped resource in our backyard. I’m excited and looking forward to the launch of the EAPDP.
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